Dr. Sara Norris, ND

Dr. Norris is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine specializing in women’s health services, pediatrics, skin health, and digestive health. For women’s health she is an expert in natural treatment options for endometriosis, PCOS, fertility, menopause and other hormonal health issues.

In 2010 she graduated from a 4-year Department of Education accredited naturopathic medical school, https://nunm.edu/. In her practice, she has become known for her openness to both conventional and naturopathic treatment options. She has completed additional studies in herbal medicine, nutrition, counseling, homeopathy, and more. You will find her approach to your medical care to be very similar to Dr Wagner and the other providers at Wagner Integrative Health.

Dr. Norris is native to Wisconsin and has practiced in Oregon, California, and Vermont. She returned to Wisconsin to be closer to family, which happened to be on the tails of passage of Wisconsin’s long-awaited licensure and regulation of Naturopathic Doctors in Wisconsin in early 2022. In the other states she practiced, the regulation of Naturopathic medicine has been in place for decades, and she has provided care as a primary care doctor for adults and children since her graduation from naturopathic medical school. To give you a sense of her training and scope of practice in other states, she was previously an in-network naturopathic physician working in primary care and pediatrics. Some of the clinics she worked in billed insurance and Medicaid, she was administering vaccines, prescribing nearly all medications, doing well child and annual adult exams, and she had hospital admission privileges to local facilities. She has left the field as a primary care physician and has turned her focus to work exclusively in the capacity of in-depth and comprehensive integrative and functional medical care provided at Wagner Integrative Health.

She has previously lectured and trained MD medical students and was an attending naturopathic physician for residents at prior clinics.

She’s held positions on various state boards focused on integrative medicine and has received multiple awards for her community clinic involvement. She is currently the legislative chair for the Wisconsin Naturopathic Doctors Association and is working with legislators to modernize the scope for Naturopathic Doctors in Wisconsin.

She lives with her husband, two sons, two dogs, 5 fish, and a rescue cat named Itchy Kitty. In her spare time she likes to get into the outdoors as much as possible and can often be found gardening, hiking, kayaking, or snowshoeing.

Dr. Norris is a LBGTQ+ ally and knowledgeable doctor. 

Practicing States:
Dr. Norris is licensed to see patients in the following states:
Wisconsin and California

You may see Dr. Norris for healthcare consultation in the following states: Nevada, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Wyoming, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Georgia, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. These states do not license or regulate Naturopathic Doctors yet; so you would not be eligible to bill your insurance for labs or to get insurance reimbursement for other out of pocket costs.