Functional Lab Testing

The medical industry is exploding with different ways to test our bodies. While standard labs at your primary care doctor’s office are valuable, functional lab tests dive deeper into the inner workings of your body and help to identify the weak links that may be preventing you from reaching your health goals. Functional labs tests encompass various areas, including gut health, hormone balance, metabolism and toxin detection such as mold and heavy metals. At Wagner Integrative Health, we use a personalized approach to decide which tests are right for you. Experience the power of advanced functional lab testing at Wagner Integrative Health.

Functional Lab Tests Offered:

Hormone Saliva

Cortisol Saliva

Dutch Hormone

Food Sensitivity


Galleri - Cancer Detection

Tricho - Hair Loss

Advanced Lyme Testing

GI Map - Stool Testing


Heavy Metals

Avise - Autoimmune Testing